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Conclusies vliegtuigcrash al uitgelekt

motorzielig.jpgOver anderhalf uur begint de persconferentie over de poldercrash, die live te zien is . Maar de conclusies zijn volgens verschillende vaksites over de luchtvaart al uitgelekt omdat Boeing als eerste op de hoogte is gesteld: From a reliable source, the contents of the Boeing bulletin will include the points below. Regrettably they don't reflect well on the pilots, who are dead of course - but I'd caution that there is a long investigation still to come. Totaal ongefundeerde conclusie: het is de schuld van de piloten.
Het verhaaltje: No evidence of fuel shortage, birdstrike, icing, windshear, wake turbulence, or engine, system or control malfunction. The first officer was initially flying the aircraft and was inexperienced in airline operations. Autopilot and autothrottle were in use. The aircraft was initially high and fast on the approach and at about 2,000ft above ground the throttles were pulled to idle. The authrottle went to "retard" mode and the throttles then stayed at idle for about 100 seconds during which time the speed fell to 40kt below reference speed. The aircraft descended through the glideslope with the captain talking the first officer through the before landing checklist. The stick shaker activated at about 400ft above ground and the first officer increased power. The captain took control and as the first officer released the throttles they moved to idle due to being in "retard" mode. After six seconds the throttles were advanced but as the engines responded the aircraft hit the ground in a slightly nose-high attitude. Throughout the episode the left-hand radio altimeter read negative seven feet altitude, but the right-hand radalt worked correctly. Boeing will warn crews about fundamentals like flying the aircraft, monitoring airspeed, monitoring altitude, and will give advice about radalt issues. Zie ook flightglobal


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